5 Worthwhile Benefits a Vending Machine Can Bring to Your Cheshire Business

February 24, 2021
by PremVend4567
There are several benefits to installing one or several vending machines in your Cheshire business. Not only are they easy to manage and cheap to maintain, but they can boost staff satisfaction, improve employee engagement, and drive up morale and productivity.

With that in mind, we’ve compiled five of the best reasons to invest in a vending machine for your Cheshire workplace.

1. Reduce Overheads on Providing Food & Drink to Staff

If you’re a small to medium-sized business (SME) based in Cheshire, it doesn’t make commercial sense to operate a canteen or in-house café. You’ll need to hire someone to serve, cook, clean and everything in-between. And what happens when that person is on paid-holiday leave or off sick? Your staff have to go off-site to source supplies, precious working hours.

By contrast, vending machines have an extremely low cost of maintenance and can operate 24/7, 365 days of the year. Better still, once we’ve installed a vending machine, we can take over the restocking, maintenance, and cleaning responsibilities from here. All that’s left for you to do is count your savings and focus on your work.

2. Increase Workplace Efficiency

Did you know that the average British worker spends over 100 working hours per year making cups of tea or coffee? That’s a lot of time that they could have better spent on revenue-generating activities. With a hot drink vending machine from Premier Vend, your staff can get their fix within 20 seconds.

Better yet, by adding food vending machines, there’s no need for your employees to head off-site to get their lunch and snacks to beat the mid-afternoon lull in productivity. Instead, they can get what they need from within the same building and prevent overruns on scheduled breaks and lunch hours.

3. Keep Energy Levels and Productivity High

Perhaps the most significant role of vending machines in Cheshire is to keep workplace energy levels and productivity up. Everyone benefits from the ability to get their hassle-free caffeine fix. Drinking hot caffeinated drinks (such as tea and coffee) in moderation throughout the working day can help boost energy levels and cognitive function.

Those effects are even more pronounced when using a bean-to-cup coffee machine, which delivers a far superior taste experience combined with an enhanced caffeine hit. Also, the act of getting away from the desk for a minute or so for a tea or coffee break (known as a micro-break) has been shown to increase productivity.

The social aspect of a central refreshment point also improves the bonds between colleagues and boosts morale.

cheshire vending machines

4. Combine Convenience with Healthy Options

Cheshire vending machines have developed a reputation for being stocked full of crisps, chocolate bars, and sugary drinks. However, the truth is that modern-day vending machines can be stocked full of all sorts of healthy snack options, such as bags of sliced fruit.

Those who work full-time often complain that it’s tough to maintain a healthy diet. Therefore, by offering your Cheshire-based employees healthy options whenever they need them, they will appreciate your efforts to put their health and wellbeing first.

There’s also nothing stopping you from having a few sugary options so that all staff are happy with the food and drink choices available to them.

5. Keep Employees Engaged

On a similar note, you’re encouraging engagement with the business by including your staff members in the decision-making process. Talk to them about what they’d like to see in the machine, and they’ll appreciate that you value their opinion. You could even consult them on the types of vending machines they would like to see in the workplace.

By engaging staff members in this manner, you’ll increase their job satisfaction, which will, in turn, boost retention rates and productivity.

Choose Premier Vend for Your Cheshire Vending Machines

Premier Vend is a leading supplier of vending machines in Cheshire. We provide a whole range of different machines to your Cheshire-based business. Whether you would like a commercial bean-to-cup coffee vending machine to keep your staff focused and motivated, or you want to install a food vending machine with plenty of healthy options, the choice is yours.

We can supply you with the best solution tailored to your budget. There’s no need to worry about the installation, maintenance, or repair of the vending machine either. Our staff can take care of all of that while you focus your finite energy on growing your company.

So if you’re interested in installing a vending machine in your Cheshire workplace, get in touch today to learn more about hiring one of our hot drink machines in Cheshire for free. You can call us on 01244 638 084. Alternatively, you can email us at info@premiervend.co.uk, and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

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